If another application or utility, such as an anti-virus program, is running, it will cause the Disk Defragmenter utility to restart or require an extended period of time to complete.The length of time necessary to complete the defragmentation process will vary based on the degree of fragmentation, amount of data, and capacity of the drive.To prevent the Disk Defragmenter utility from running on a schedule at all, click to clear the box next to Run on a schedule (recommended).To change the schedule, click the Modify schedule button.

By default, the Disk Defragmenter utility is scheduled to run automatically at 1:00AM every Wednesday.In the Disk Defragmenter window, to immediately begin defragmenting the hard drive, click the Defragment now button.NOTE: If a User Account Control prompt is displayed, click Continue. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, click System Tools, and click Disk Defragmenter.This information applies only to computers using the operating systems listed below this article in the Applicable Products and Categories section.If disk-intensive applications are used often, the disk defragment utility should be used more often.